Chief Nurse trains Prime Minister to make London Dementia Friendly
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Prime Minister David Cameron and members of the Cabinet were trained to be ‘dementia friends’ this morning by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Chief Nurse Eileen Sills.
Eileen’s training, with Jeremy Hughes from the Alzheimer’s Society, included a screening of Barbara’s Story, our dementia training film that demonstrates the huge effect that small changes to attitude, behaviours and actions can have on a person living with dementia.
Eileen, who is also the Clinical Director for the London Dementia Strategic Clinical Network, says: “I am passionate about making London the first dementia friendly city, and I’m delighted to have been able to give this training to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
“We want all Londoners to become more aware of the condition to make our community a better place for people with dementia. We’ve seen it’s the small things that make the biggest difference – the smiles, the eye contact, the time. By raising this kind of understanding we can improve the lives of people living with dementia as they go shopping, play sport, go to museums, the cinema or theatre, and visit friends and family without fear.”
This training took place during the weekly meeting of the Cabinet and marked the Government's commitment to #GivingTuesday. The day offers the opportunity for people, charities and businesses to come together and help a good cause.
Barbara’s Story is based on real life experiences and is designed to help everyone understand what it is like to live with this condition – helping to create a more dementia friendly capital.
Dementia Friends is a joint initiative with Public Health England funded by the Cabinet Office and Department of Health which helps people to understand a bit more about dementia and the little ways they can help.
All Londoners are encouraged to watch Barbara’s Story on YouTube and visit the Dementia Friends website to receive further training.
Last updated: March 2022
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