Our values and behaviours
As an organisation we're driven by our values.
They define our culture:
- what we do, and
- how we do it
Below are some examples of how different roles at the Trust put our values into action through their behaviours. These form part of the Trust's values and behaviours framework.
Behaviours for everyone
- I put myself in the patient, client or visitor's shoes. I take time to listen and understand each person's need.
- I take responsibility for safety in my working environment.
- I share information appropriately and work with others to make sure the best outcome for the patient or client.
Specialist/team leader
- I encourage others to prioritise the needs of patients, clients and visitors.
- I seek patient or client feedback in order to review the quality of service and implement change.
Expert/department manager
- I improve the patient, client or visitor experience by analysing, reviewing and redesigning processes.
- I create a safe environment by allocating the right resources in the right place such as equipment, workforce, technology and training.
Strategic leader
- I actively build and develop relationships to create partnership with other organisations in order to promote the health of the communities we serve.
Behaviours for everyone
- I regularly review what I do and how I do it to improve my personal performance.
- I take pride in my personal appearance, wear my ID badge, follow the dress code and see myself as a representative of the Trust.
Specialist/team leader
- I give frequent constructive feedback and coach others to help them improve their performance.
- I share success stories and experiences and encourage others to do the same.
Expert/department manager
- I contribute to the Trust's success by translating organisational objectives into departmental and service goals.
- I promote and encourage an environment of continuous development.
Strategic leader
- I represent the public face of the organisation, promote its values and act as an ambassador for the Trust and its services.
Behaviours for everyone
- I am aware of and take responsibility for how my attitude and emotions can affect other people.
- I understand that people are different. I pay attention to their different needs so that everyone is treated fairly.
- I help and support my colleagues so that we work well together as a team to achieve our goals.
Specialist/team leader
- I focus other people's attention on dignity in caring for patients, clients, or visitors.
- I encourage staff and colleagues to treat each other as equal but different. I notice when staff are unhappy, stressed or unwell.
Expert/department manager
- I create a working environment where people are encouraged and supported.
- I go out of my way to make sure that underrepresented groups have access to my services.
Strategic leader
- I am approachable. I invite conversation, discussion and sharing of ideas, opinions and information across the Trust.
Behaviours for everyone
- I suggest improvements that could be made to the way we do things.
- I frequently ask for, listen to and accept feedback to improve my day-to-day performance.
- I take ownership for resolving problems that I encounter in my work.
Specialist/team leader
- I talk to staff and discuss ideas they have for improvement.
- I acknowledge that difficult situations and conflict can occur and I take action to resolve them.
Expert/department manager
- I improve and develop our service and shape the future of the department.
- I explain the reasons for high level decisions and strategies that have an impact on the day-to-day work of the service.
Strategic leader
- I motivate my staff and colleagues by talking about their ideas, thoughts and aspirations for the future.
Behaviours for everyone
- I am open, honest and say sorry when appropriate.
- I am discreet and sensitive when dealing with confidential information. I challenge others who are not.
- I role model high standards so that people can feel confident in my practice.
Specialist/team leader
- I promote the effective and sustainable use of resources within my team.
- I support staff to raise any concerns and make sure they are followed through appropriately.
Expert/department manager
- I am fair and consistent in order to generate trust in staff and colleagues.
- I plan, evaluate and allocate budgets and resources to balance day-to-day service delivery and longer term service improvements.
Strategic leader
- I help the service and support staff in navigating through complex and novel situations.
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Last updated: September 2022