Alistair Laidlaw

Consultant vitreo retinal surgeon
Alistair Laidlaw is one of three consultant vitreo retinal (VR) surgeons at St Thomas' Hospital.
The VR team provides a full service via links with:
- Maidstone Hospital, Kent
- Frimley Park Hospital
- Queen Mary's Hospital, Sidcup
Alistair has been president and honorary secretary of the British and Eire Association of Vitreo Retinal Surgeons. He is active in research and training with a specialist interest in surgery for complications of diabetic retinopathy.
He has led the introduction of Electronic Medical Records at St Thomas' Hospital and is involved in the development of The OpenEyes EMR. He also develops vision measurement software.
Education and training
- Senior registrar and vitreo retinal fellow, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 1995 to 1998
- SHO and registrar training, research lecturer leading to MD higher degree, Bristol Eye Hospital, 1989 to1995
- House officer and senior house officer (SHO), Newcastle University Medical School,1985 to 1989
- Anatomy demonstrator, Newcastle University Medical School,1987
- Newcastle University Medical School, 1980 to 1985
Research interests
- Surgery for diabetic macular oedema
- Clinical vision measurement
Email: [email protected]
Specialist interests
- Retinal surgery
- Macular surgery
- Surgery for diabetic retinopathy
- Clinical vision measurement
Last updated: March 2023