
Acupuncture community clinic

Ear acupuncture sessions

Phone: 020 3049 6930

Email: [email protected]

Address: Lambeth community care centre, Monkton Street, Kennington, London SE11 4TX

Open: Monday and Thursday, 11am to 11:30am (please make sure you arrive by 11:30am at the latest)

We offer ear acupuncture treatment for:

  • stress management
  • stopping smoking
  • addiction
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • sleep issues

This is a drop-in clinic, so you don't need a referral.

All clinics are run by specialist acupuncturists who are registered with the British Acupuncture Council.

On your first visit a member of the reception team will register you. We will show you to the ear acupuncture room and an acupuncturist will give the ear acupuncture treatment. The treatment takes place in a group setting.

We use the 5 points NADA protocol. This involves gently inserting 5 fine, single use, sterile, stainless steel, disposable ear acupuncture needles into each ear.

Once we have inserted the needles into the outer part of your ear, you'll sit for up to 30 minutes. You may feel calm and relaxed in a meditative state.

At the end of the treatment we will remove and safely dispose the needles. You can leave when you are ready.

Possible side effects are temporary and include:

  • tenderness and pain at insertion
  • occasional dizziness
  • minor bleeding
  • very rare cases of fainting

If you suffer from fainting, please tell the acupuncturist before treatment. We recommend you eat a light meal before ear acupuncture treatment and avoid alcohol.

Exercise classes

Phone: 020 3049 6930

Email: [email protected]

Address: Lambeth community care centre, Monkton Street, Kennington, London SE11 4TX

Frequency: Thursday, 4pm to 5pm

We offer drop-in exercise classes to help people manage their long-term pain. 

The exercise class we offer is:

  • qigong

This is a drop-in clinic, so you don't need a referral. Please contact us for a timetable.

The classes are led by teachers with experience in each exercise speciality.

Last updated: November 2024

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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