

How to get an appointment

We accept referrals from GPs and healthcare professionals.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 5843

Email: [email protected]

Before your appointment

You can eat and drink before your appointment.

Please stop taking antihistamine tablets 5 days before your appointment. They may interfere with the tests. If you need to take this medicine, please contact us as we may need to change your appointment.

If you think you may be allergic to fresh foods, please bring along small samples for testing.

During your appointment

You'll see either a:

  • consultant allergist
  • junior doctors
  • clinical nurse specialist

They will talk to you about the signs and symptoms of the reaction that happened and what you think caused it.

Please bring a list of medicines you are taking with you to the appointment. If your appointment is at the food allergy clinic, please bring a sample of the food with you.

You may have a skin prick test. You will have the results within 15 minutes. You may have some blood tests. You may be asked to take a challenge test at a later date.

You can find out more about allergies, including food allergies and the allergy tests you might have on the NHS website.

More information about drug allergy can be found on the Allergy UK website.

After your appointment

We'll send you and your GP a letter with your tests and results.

Last updated: January 2024

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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