Arranging a funeral

Bereavement Centre

The Bereavement Centre can give you advice about how to arrange a funeral, with or without using a funeral director, or if you have special religious needs. Legally we are not allowed to make recommendations.

Finding the right funeral director

It is important that you feel able to discuss all options and possibilities, even if some of your thoughts or requests might seem unusual. Most funeral directors are available 7 days a week, and are usually happy to visit you at home to help or advise you.

Contact a funeral director or the person(s) helping you as soon as possible so they can start making arrangements on your behalf. You do not need to wait until the death certificate has been issued.

The funeral director will need the green form, which is given to you by the registrar at the Registry Office, or an interim death certificate issued by the Coroner, before they can finalise any arrangements.


Prices for funerals can vary. You may want to contact several funeral directors before making your decision. Make sure you know exactly what is included in the costs, for example grave or cremation charges, place of worship charges, religious leader and doctor’s fees, as well as notices in local papers if requested.

If you receive income support, housing benefit or family credit, you can apply for help to pay for the funeral costs. These forms can be obtained from your local Jobcentre.

If you are not eligible for government support and, or, you have been refused a loan, please discuss this with the Bereavement Centre team.


If there is a will, it is important to check if it includes wishes about their funeral.


If you have decided on a cremation, please tell the Bereavement Centre staff as soon as you can. They will arrange for the doctors to do the necessary paperwork to give to the funeral director when they collect your loved one from the mortuary.

Staying in the mortuary for 30 days or more

By law, we must transfer patients to our frozen area if they are in the mortuary for 30 days or more. This is to maintain a patient’s dignity after death.

Sadly, this can cause problems with the embalming process. It could make traditional embalming impossible, and could affect the funeral service you would like for them.

We advise that you instruct your funeral director to transfer your loved one into their care before the 30-day limit.

If you have any concerns or questions about this, contact the Bereavement Centre staff or the mortuary staff, who are here to help you.

Useful information

The Natural Death Centre offers advice on arranging a funeral with or without using a funeral director. Call 01962 712 690 (National Helpline)

National Association of Funeral Directors gives support and guidance to funeral firms and the bereaved families in their care, call 0845 230 1343, email [email protected]

Cruise charity which offers bereavement support. Call the helpline 0808 808 1677

Coroners Courts Support Services for advice and help with cases referred to the Coroner. Call 0300 111 2141

Funeral Choice helps you to find funeral directors near you.

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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