
Klinefelter syndrome

Adult Klinefelter syndrome clinic

Phone: 020 7188 7188, extension 56161

Email: [email protected]

Location: Rare disease centre, 1st floor, Southwark Wing, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Opening times: 5 times a year, 8am to 1pm.

This is a one-stop clinic for adults with Klinefelter syndrome. Your GP or specialist doctor can refer you for an appointment.

This clinic is consultant led.

Young person's Klinefelter syndrome clinic

Phone: 020 7188 7188, extension 56161

Email: [email protected]

Location: Rare Disease Centre, 1st floor, Southwark Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Opening times: 5 times a year, 8am to 1pm.

This is a one-stop clinic for young adults aged 16 to 21 with Klinefelter syndrome. Your GP or specialist doctor can refer you for an appointment.

This clinic is consultant led.

Last updated: January 2024

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