
Lung cancer

How to get an appointment

We accept referrals from GPs and other healthcare professionals.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Please call our appointments line on 020 7188 4242.

Before your appointment

Please bring a list of medicines you take to your first appointment.

Write down any questions you have and bring this with you.

You can bring a friend or relative for support.

Please arrive no more than 30 minutes before your appointment, unless told otherwise.

During your appointment

Appointments usually take between 30 minutes and 1 hour. They can take longer.

At your first appointment, we'll ask you about your general health and take a chest X-ray. This is to check your lungs for signs of cancer. We may ask for a phlegm (sputum) sample.

We may do other tests, scans and investigations. We'll explain these to you. They may take place on the same day or on another visit.

After your appointment

We'll send a letter to your GP after each appointment. Please ask the doctor or nurse if you would like a copy.

If you have lung cancer, a member of our team will see you regularly to manage your treatment.

You'll get a phone call, text or email with details of your follow-up appointment.

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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