
Multiple sclerosis

Nurse-led multiple sclerosis clinics

Location: outpatient centre, Gassiot House, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

This clinic is led by:

  • Makeda Best

    MS nurse lead

Community multiple sclerosis clinics

Community nurse-led clinics in the boroughs of Southwark, Lambeth and Lewisham

We offer face-to-face consultations by appointment only.

These clinics are led by the MS nursing team.

  • Hilda Mhandu

    Southwark borough

  • Obedience Brobbey

    Lewisham borough

  • Mylene Kayaga

    Lambeth borough

Consultant-led multiple sclerosis clinic

This clinic offers telephone consultations. It is led by Victoria Williams.

Last updated: March 2024

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