

Your appointment

If you've had any symptoms of a TIA, you'll be referred to us by the emergency department (A&E) or your GP.

How to get an appointment

When you're discharged from the emergency department, we'll book an appointment at our next available clinic.

Our stroke consultant secretary will phone you to book your appointment.

If we have not contacted you within 48 hours of leaving the emergency department, phone 020 7188 2515 to schedule your appointment.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 7188, extension 54079

Please let us know if you're running late, or cannot attend your appointment.

Before your appointment

You must not drive until you have seen a stroke specialist, who'll tell you when it's safe.

If at any time before your appointment you experience a new onset of symptoms, it is a medical emergency. Dial 999 immediately, do not wait for your appointment.

Please bring:

  • medicines you take, including any you buy from a shop or pharmacy
  • anyone who saw your TIA. It is helpful if they can come with you to your appointment as they may have noticed things about your appearance and behaviour
  • a list of questions, there will be time during your consultation to ask these

During your appointment

One of our stroke specialists will:

  • ask you questions about your symptoms and general health
  • assess you for any neurological symptoms

We'll do some tests, these might include:

  • electrocardiogram (checking if you have a regular heart rhythm)
  • blood pressure
  • blood tests
  • brain scan
  • ultrasound of your neck (looking at the blood flow to the brain)
  • echocardiogram (checking for heart disease)

After your appointment

We'll write to you and your GP with the outcome.

We'll book any follow-up appointments you need.

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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