
Severe psoriasis

How to get an appointment

You can ask your GP or other health professional to refer you.

We mainly accept referrals from other dermatologists.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 6417

Before your appointment

Please bring a list of:

  • investigations or treatments you have already had for your psoriasis
  • all medicines you take, for your psoriasis and any other condition
  • any allergies you have
  • infections you have had, including chickenpox
  • any vaccinations you have received
  • the names and contact details for any specialists you see for your psoriasis or any other condition for which you receive hospital care
  • any questions that you have

During your appointment

Your first appointment may take up to 3 hours.

When you arrive we'll ask you to complete questionnaires about your psoriasis and how it affects your life. This information will transfer automatically and confidentially to your electronic patient record. We'll look at your answers during your appointment and may ask some more questions.

A clinic nurse may:

  • record your blood pressure
  • weigh you
  • ask you to provide a urine sample

You'll see one of our medical dermatology team. You'll either see one of our senior consultants or we'll discuss your case with them after the appointment. 

You may also see one or all of:

  • a clinical nurse specialist to talk about treatment plans and provide advice and guidance
  • our team psychologist for support with psychological problems related to psoriasis
  • our consultant rheumatologist or team member for arthritis or related musculoskeletal problems
  • a member of our clinical research team

We'll ask you questions about your condition including questions about:

  • your psoriasis
  • other health problems you have
  • previous and current treatments you're receiving
  • how your condition affects you
  • your main concerns and goals

We'll examine your skin with your permission. A chaperone is always available. 

We may need to do some tests during the appointment, for example blood tests or skin swabs.

We'll develop an investigation and treatment plan with you.

We're a teaching hospital and sometimes students or other health professionals will be in the clinic. We'll ask you if you're happy for them to be at your appointment. It will not affect your care if you prefer not to have them there.

After your appointment

We'll send a letter to you and your local health team summarising your visit. Please let our receptionist know if you don't want to receive a copy of your clinic letter.

We'll arrange a follow-up appointment and further investigations if you need them.

We'll give you contact details for our clinical nurse specialist team and a treatment plan.

Last updated: January 2024

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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