Group sessions

Upper limb rehabilitation support group

When and where the group sessions happen

The group starts at 11am on a Tuesday, every other week.

The sessions last about 1 hour.

The group sessions take place in the physiotherapy department at St Thomas' Hospital. Hospital transport is available if you need it.

If you cannot attend the group, please let us know by telling the therapists at the group or by calling 020 7188 5088.

Please bring:

  • comfortable clothing to exercise in. If possible wear a vest or short sleeved top, as we might need to look at your bare arms

During the session

At your first session, you can talk to the therapist about your aims and goals.

The group sessions have a circuit of exercises. You'll have your own programme of day-to-day tasks to practise.

The therapists will be there to help progress your exercises and make sure you use good quality movements.

It is important to do the exercises you are given every day at home to see improvements.

After your 6 sessions

When you have completed your 6 sessions, we recommend you continue with your exercises at home, every day. This will help maintain the improvements you made.

If you have any questions, please speak to your physiotherapist, doctor or nurse.

Last updated: February 2024

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Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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