Health information

Resources for patients and their families about conditions, treatments and procedures.

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Antenatal hand expressing from 37 weeks

We might advise you to hand express colostrum while you are still pregnant if your baby has a medical condition or if you have diabetes, and to help you develop breastfeeding skills that will benefit you and your baby.

Antenatal hypertension (high blood pressure in pregnancy)

Our clinic can support you if you have or are at risk of antenatal hypertension, and give advice about how it can affect your pregnancy (including the risk of preclampsia), treatment, checking your blood pressure at home, and planning your birth. 

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Diabetes and pregnancy

Information if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are pregnant or planning to get pregnant. This explains your healthcare during pregnancy and how you and your baby can stay healthy.

Diabetes in pregnancy (gestational diabetes)

Information about being tested for high blood sugar during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). The screening test is called an oral glucose tolerance test.

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ECV for turning your breech baby

An external cephalic version (ECV) to turn a baby from a breech to a head-down position in pregnancy, to reduce complications in birth.

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Forceps and ventouse birth aftercare

Assisted birth with a ventouse suction cup or forceps can be used when we have concerns about your baby's condition, or because you need help in the final stages of labour

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Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and your baby

Information for parents and carers whose baby is at increased risk of having low blood sugar including how we care for them and signs of hypoglycaemia.

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Inducing labour

Why we induce labour and ways of inducing labour, including by softening your cervix using a pessary, gel or balloon catheter, or by breaking your waters or using a hormone IV drip.

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Low-dose aspirin in pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia

How a daily low dose of aspirin can help if you are at greater risk of pre-eclampsia, a high-blood pressure condition that usually happens towards the end of pregnancy.

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Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

Our Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership is a team of local parents and health professionals working together to improve our services and deliver equitable care, so that every pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience is safe, supportive, and empowering.

Maternity information

Information, support and advice from Guy's and St Thomas' and other organisations, about pregnancy and after birth.

Medical termination of pregnancy over 18 weeks’ gestation

Making a decision to end a pregnancy can be difficult and emotional. This information explains more about the medical procedure for pregnancies over 18 weeks' gestation.

Medical termination of pregnancy up to 17 weeks and 6 days gestation

Making a decision to end a pregnancy can be difficult and emotional. This information explains more about the medical procedure for pregnancies up to 17 weeks and 6 days gestation.

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Planned (elective) caesarean birth

A guide to having a planned (elective) caesarean birth or C-section. This is surgery to deliver a baby through a cut made in your tummy and womb.

Polyhydramnios (increased fluid around your baby)

How we care for you in pregnancy if your ultrasound scan shows you have polyhydramnios, a condition where the water around your baby (called amniotic fluid) is increased during pregnancy.

Postnatal hypertension

Postnatal hypertension is high blood pressure during or shortly after pregnancy. If you have hypertension or are at risk of getting it, we offer specialist care to look after you and your baby during pregnancy.

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Renal pelvic dilatation in your developing baby

What happens during your pregnancy, and after your baby is born, when fetal renal pelvic dilation (RPD) of the kidneys is found in your baby at the 20-week ultrasound scan.


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Screening for Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome

During pregnancy, you can have a blood test at your dating scan around 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy that screens for conditions. This will tell you if your chance of having Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome or Patau's syndrome is higher or lower.

Sterilisation at the time of caesarean section

Information to help you make a decision about sterilisation at the time caesarean section (tubal ligation) including success rates, risks and alternatives such as long-term contraception and vasectomy.

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