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Smartphone app gives babies a healthy start
Wednesday 19 November 2014
Young mums are using a new smartphone app to guide them through pregnancy and the early stages of parenthood.

'DIY antibiotics' save the NHS millions
Tuesday 18 November 2014
Patients needing long term antibiotics are able to continue their treatment at home instead of having to spend weeks in hospital thanks to a specialist team at Guy's and St Thomas'.

Bright Start Week
Thursday 13 November 2014
Evelina London is inviting parents to come and find out more about their children's health by taking part in Bright Start Week (Monday 17-Friday 21 November).

Guy's and St Thomas' remembers
Thursday 13 November 2014
Guy's and St Thomas' staff attended Remembrance Day events in our hospitals and in the local community on Tuesday 11 November.

Dino Williams named as BME Pioneer by HSJ
Friday 7 November 2014
Dino Williams, Staffside Chair and branch secretary for Unison has been named on the list of 50 BME Pioneers by the Health Service Journal.

Outpatients needed to help teach junior doctors
Thursday 6 November 2014
A small army of unsung patient heroes are educating our emerging junior doctors.

World Radiography Day 2014
Thursday 6 November 2014
To celebrate World Radiography Day 2014, staff at Guy's and St Thomas' and Evelina London Children's Hospital are holding a series of events on Friday 7 November.

Pioneer of older people's care on top innovators list
Friday 31 October 2014
Dr Jugdeep Dhesi, co-founder and clinical lead of the proactive care of older people undergoing surgery service (POPS) at Guy's and St Thomas', is one of the top 50 innovators in healthcare.

Our nurses win twice at Nursing Times Awards
Thursday 30 October 2014
Guy's and St Thomas' nurses were winners twice at the Nursing Times Awards for improving care for cancer and asthma patients.

Cancer Centre patient power recognised
Monday 27 October 2014
The role that patients have played in shaping the development of the new Cancer Centre at Guy's Hospital has been recognised by two national awards schemes.