
Ambulatory oxygen

Ambulatory oxygen is a therapy designed to help people whose oxygen levels drop when they are active. Activities include:

  • walking outdoors

  • climbing stairs

  • exercise

Its aim is to maintain adequate oxygen levels. This will help you keep more active and allow you to do things you may find difficult without the oxygen.

If you or your health professional notice your oxygen levels drop when you're active, you may be seen in our ambulatory oxygen clinic. We'll assess you and provide you with oxygen to use when you're active.

We usually see people who live in Lambeth and Southwark. We may see you if you live in other areas of south east London depending on your medical condition and the local services available. We have close links with community teams and GPs across south east London to make sure our patients receive the best service possible.

Our consultants

Craig Batista

Amy Dewar

Jocelin Hall

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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