Low intensity, nurse-led care

Dermatology day care

This is a nurse-led service for if you need help with your treatments for a short period of time


Our facilities include:

  • individual treatment bays
  • bath or shower, and towels
  • a small locker for personal belongings
  • shampoo and soap substitutes for washing
  • pyjamas, gowns and dressing gowns
  • non-slip socks
  • self-service hot and cold drinks
  • free WiFi
  • a patient lounge with a television and reading materials

How to get an appointment

You can ask your dermatologist to refer you. You can also ask your GP to refer you if we have treated you before.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone 020 7188 6287 or 020 7188 6306.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are running late or need to cancel your appointment.

If you're more than 20 minutes late, we may not treat you that day.

If you miss more than 2 appointments without telling us, we'll discharge you.

Before your appointment

When you arrive, please check in at reception or use the self check-in kiosk. We'll use the electronic call system to tell you where you need to go when it's your appointment. Your nurse will be waiting for you. Please stay in the reception area until your name appears on the screen.

At your first appointment, please bring:

  • a copy of your treatment plan
  • preferred dressings and moisturisers, if you use them
  • a list of medicines you take
  • a list of any allergies you have
  • if possible, a padlock with key to secure your locker

At follow-up appointments, please bring:

  • drinks and snacks
  • entertainment while you wait for treatment, such as a book

During your appointment

You'll usually be in dermatology day care for 2 to 3 hours. This depends on your treatment.

A course of treatment normally lasts between 2 weeks and 3 months. This can change depending on your condition. We'll ask you to come to the unit between 2 and 5 times a week.

You'll receive different treatments during your appointment. You'll wait in the patient lounge between treatments. It's a mixed gender lounge, so please contact us if this will be difficult for you.

First, a nurse specialist will check your skin and create a treatment plan with you.

At each treatment appointment a member of the nursing team will review your progress. They will check that you have not had any problems since your last treatment.

They'll then apply your treatments.

Please feel free to ask us any questions you have about your treatment.

After your appointment

When you finish your consultation or treatment, please check out at reception.

We'll discharge you when have completed the full course of treatment.

We'll send a discharge letter to the doctor who referred you and send a copy to your GP. Your GP will be able to provide prescriptions for you to use at home to manage your condition.

Treatment at home

We'll give you a treatment plan to follow at home on the days you aren't coming to dermatology day care.

We'll give you advice about your treatments and how to apply them safely and effectively at home.

Please ask your GP to arrange the prescriptions you need for your home treatment plan.

We cannot provide repeat prescriptions for routine topical treatments. Make sure you plan ahead and ask your GP for repeat items.

Please contact us if you're having any difficulties with this.

Last updated: 26 September 2022

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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