Hospital clinics

Head and neck cancer

Head and neck surgical clinic

Location: 2nd floor, Southwark Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Phone: 020 7188 2203

Email: [email protected]

Time: runs throughout the week

Your first appointment with the head and neck surgical team will be at this clinic.

We will also make an appointment for you after any surgery.

This clinic is run by our consultants. You may also see:

  • nurse specialists
  • dietitians
  • speech and language therapists

Head and neck cancer (oncology) clinic at Guy's Hospital

Location: 2nd floor, Southwark Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Phone: 020 7188 9575

Email: [email protected]

Time: Friday

Your first appointment with the head and neck cancer team will be at this clinic.

This clinic is run by our consultants. You may also see nurse specialists.

Head and neck cancer (oncology) clinic at the Cancer Centre at Guy's

Location: Outpatient’s Village, Cancer Centre, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Phone: 020 7188 9575

Email: oncologyheadandneckappointmentsguy'[email protected]

Time: Wednesday

You will have appointments at this clinic during and after radiotherapy and drug treatments.

This clinic is run by our consultants. You may also see:

  • radiographers
  • nurse specialists
  • dietitians
  • speech and language therapists

Last updated: September 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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