Antenatal classes
Maternity: care during pregnancy
Regular antenatal classes
Our weekday, evening and Saturday classes are face-to-face in the antenatal clinic.
Weekday and Saturday classes are 1 session with information about:
- labour progress and stages
- coping methods at home and in hospital
- breastfeeding (baby's needs, colostrum and milk production, benefits, position and attachment)
- 1st days with your baby
Sets of evening antenatal classes are split into 2 short classes.
Part 1 is about stages of labour and coping methods.
Part 2 is about breastfeeding and 1st days with your baby.
How to book
Some midwifery teams provide their own antenatal classes. Please check with your team before booking a class.
You can book on the Eventbrite website for weekday, evening and Saturday antenatal classes.
We recommend you book a class when you're between 32 and 35 weeks of pregnancy.
Please remember to book a space for your partner too.
We recommend that you open all Eventbrite links in Google Chrome.
Weekday antenatal classes take place on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 3:30pm.
Sets of evening antenatal classes are split into 2 short classes.
They take place from 5:30pm to 8:30pm on the first 2 Wednesdays of the month or last 2 Thursdays of the month.
You can book both or only 1. Book your class on the Eventbrite website.
Saturday antenatal classes are from 9:30am to 3:30pm and include information about:
- labour progress and stages
- coping methods at home and in hospital
- breastfeeding
- 1st days with your baby
No need to book, just drop in to the antenatal clinic.
Classes in Spanish
- Thursday 12 September, 10am to 3pm
- Thursday 14 November, 10am to 3pm
Classes in Portuguese
- Wednesday 16 October, 10am to 3pm
- Wednesday 11 December, 10am to 3pm
Classes in Arabic
- Wednesday 27 November 2024, 10am to 3pm
- Wednesday 26 February 2025, 10am to 3pm
- Wednesday 23 May 2025, 10am to 3pm
To request an antenatal class in another language, please email [email protected].
Let us know your:
- name
- hospital number or date of birth
- preferred language
Other workshops
Aquanatal classes are exercise classes that take place in a swimming pool. They're taught by midwives.
The classes take place every Tuesday at 2pm.
Location: Orchard Lisle swimming pool, Wolfson House, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
You can attend this class if you have chosen to have your baby with us.
You can join us at any time during your pregnancy although we suggest you attend classes after you've had your first scan and have been pregnant for over 14 weeks.
You do not need to be a good swimmer to attend.
You cannot attend the classes if you're bleeding or have a low-lying placenta.
Visit the Eventbrite website to book your place.
Please email [email protected] if you have a medical condition, are taking medication, or have any questions.
Join our home birth workshop online. You don't need to book a place, just drop in.
- Friday 2 August, 3:30pm to 5pm, join on Microsoft Teams
- Friday 6 September, 3:30pm to 5pm, join on Microsoft Teams
The mental health and wellbeing sessions take place on Mondays, 12pm to 1pm. There will be no sessions on bank holidays.
The session will not take place on:
Monday 16 September
Monday 30 September
You can join a session at any stage of your pregnancy.
The sessions give information about:
- mood changes during and after pregnancy
- antenatal and postnatal anxiety
- depression
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- where you can find mental health support
- coping techniques
- bonding with your baby
No need to book, just join on Microsoft Teams on the day.
Pelvic health workshops are for pregnant women who need advice about pelvic health in pregnancy. Your doctor or midwife will ask you to attend a workshop if you need it.
A specialist midwife and pelvic health physiotherapist will be talking about your pelvic health and how to look after it in pregnancy.
The workshop will include information about:
- what the pelvic floor is
- the effects of pregnancy and childbirth on your pelvic floor
- things to look out for
- how to strengthen your pelvic floor
- caring for your bladder and bowels
- perineal tear prevention techniques
- caring for yourself after delivery
You can choose to attend a workshop on a weekday:
- morning
- afternoon
- evening
Visit the Eventbrite website for a full list of dates and times and to book your place.
There are 2 different physiotherapy antenatal classes. Both are informal and fun.
The aim is to:
- improve your ability to manage any back or pelvic pain during pregnancy
- educate about the importance of pelvic floor muscle exercises
The classes run on alternate Mondays from 10am to midday. They take place in the antenatal education room at the antenatal clinic, St Thomas' Hospital.
You don't need to have back or pelvic pain to attend. All pregnant women are welcome. You only need to attend these classes once.
Back and pelvic pain class
The class includes a talk and chair-based exercise session led by a specialist physiotherapist.
The talk will cover the changes to your body during pregnancy and how this can cause muscle and joint pain. You'll learn:
- the knowledge and skills to manage or prevent back and pelvic pain at home
- how to recognise the signs that mean you should see a pelvic health physiotherapist
If you are experiencing severe back and pelvic pain, you are still welcome to attend. Please also ask for a referral to the pelvic health physiotherapy department from your midwife, obstetrician or GP.
You should wear comfortable clothing appropriate for exercise.
Pelvic floor class
This class covers pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy and beyond. The aim is to prevent common pelvic floor problems after the delivery of your baby.
It includes a talk about what pelvic floor muscles are, how they work and the effect on them from pregnancy and delivery.
You'll learn:
- how pelvic floor muscle training can help different pelvic floor problems
- how to do pelvic floor muscle training
- when to start exercising following the delivery of your baby
- the signs that mean you should see a pelvic health physiotherapist
If you are experiencing pelvic floor problems, you can still attend the class. Please also ask for a referral to the pelvic health physiotherapy department and named obstetrician.
How to book
Please email [email protected] to book your place.
If you have any questions, please call 020 7188 5084 for further guidance.
You can attend our twins or multiple pregnancies antenatal classes from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The classes are face-to-face in the antenatal clinic.
There is no need to book a place, just drop in.
Classes start at 9:30am and end at 12:30pm.
- Wednesday 26 June 2024 - this has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Wednesday 21 August 2024
- Wednesday 9 October 2024
- Wednesday 4 December 2024
Please remember to also book a place on the regular antenatal classes on the Eventbrite website.
Join our pain relief talks run by an anaesthetist. You can drop-in on Tuesdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
- Tuesday 18 June, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, join on Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 13 August, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, join on Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 10 September, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, join on Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 15 October, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, join on Microsoft Teams
- Tuesday 10 December, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, join on Microsoft Teams
Last updated: 19 January 2023