
Amputee and prosthetic regional specialist rehabilitation

We assess, provide rehabilitation and support people following upper or lower limb amputation or because of a condition that's present from birth.

We'll decide what treatment you may need. If suitable, this could include a prosthetic or artificial limb.

We offer a specialist counselling service for you and your families. We also provide prosthetics care for veterans of the armed forces who live in our treatment area.

Outpatient services are based at Bowley Close in Crystal Palace. We also do weekly ward rounds at:

  • Guy's and St Thomas' hospitals
  • King's College hospitals

Other hospitals that refer to us are:

  • University Hospital Lewisham
  • Croydon University Hospital
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital
  • Orpington Hospital

Our team includes:

  • a consultant
  • physiotherapists
  • occupational therapists
  • counsellors
  • prosthetics
  • workshop technicians
  • a healthcare assistant
  • a rehabilitation engineer
  • administrative team


We work closely with the specialist amputee teams on the wards at Guy's and St Thomas' hospitals and the inpatient amputee rehabilitation unit at Lambeth Community Care Centre.

Last updated: August 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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