Digital assessments

Hand therapy

Digital assessments are online forms you fill in to tell us about your health. Completing the forms:

  • helps us to understand your health before and after your appointments
  • tells us about your symptoms and quality of life
  • gives you a more active role in your health care
  • improves our understanding of treatments and any side effects
  • helps us decide on the best treatment plan for you.

The forms include questions about:

  • your symptoms
  • how you perform day to day, work, and leisure tasks
  • your general musculoskeletal health

How often you have assessments

We give you your first digital assessment at your first appointment. We'll then ask you to complete assessment forms at:

  • 6 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months

You and your team will be able to see how your answers change over time and how you're responding to treatment. You can view a summary of your answers online at any time.

Please complete all your assessment forms. This allows us to review your progress during and after treatment.

Completing your digital assessment

  1. We'll send you a text message when you have a new form to fill in. 
  2. Click the DrDoctor link in your text message.
  3. Log in using your last name, date of birth and postcode.
  4. Fill in the form as much as you can.
  5. Click 'submit'.

You can also see and fill in the forms by visiting the DrDoctor website. Log in and go to 'Online Care'. We'll send you a code to your mobile phone when you're using another device.

Please email us if you're having problems logging in and filling in the forms.

If you see a message in red saying there is a problem with your assessment, please try again the next day. If you're still unable to complete the form, please contact your health professional or email us.

Keeping your information safe

DrDoctor has access to your contact information but not your health information.

By completing the form you agree the information in your digital assessment can be held on the DrDoctor system and can be seen by staff who are involved in your care.

For more information, please see DrDoctor privacy policy.

Digital assessments do not replace medical care

If you feel unwell or are concerned about your symptoms, please get medical advice.

Contact 999 for life-threatening emergencies.

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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