
Wheelchair and specialist seating

Your appointment

We hold appointments:

Face- to-face appointments take place at Bowley Close or in your home.

How to get an appointment

You can ask your health professional to refer you.

If you're already a patient at our hospital you can self-refer or your carer can refer you.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 3049 7760

Please tell us as soon as possible. This will allow us to offer your appointment to someone else.

Before your appointment

We'll call you to offer you an appointment.

We'll also send you a letter confirming your appointment details. This will tell you anything you need to bring.

If you use a sling, please bring it with you. You may also want to bring a change of clothing and some drinks or snacks.

During your appointment

Your appointment will last at least 1 hour 30 minutes.

We'll use the appointment to assess your needs and identify the best wheelchair and seating equipment for you.

We may ask you to move onto 1 of the beds so that we can assess your posture. Our team will support you with this. If you have any concerns, please let us know beforehand.

After your appointment

We'll let you know if you need any follow-up or hand-over appointments.

Last updated: September 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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