
Lambeth diabetes intermediate care team

Your appointment will be face-to-face. It will be in one of our clinics near to where you live.

If you have a preferred location we will book your appointment there.

If you prefer a telephone appointment, please let us know.

How to get an appointment

Your GP can refer you.

If you're being referred to the diabetes education self management for ongoing and newly diagnosed adults (Desmond) programme, your GP will refer you via a booking service called 'Book and Learn'.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 8655 7842

Email: [email protected]

If you call within 2 weeks of your appointment we'll arrange another appointment for you.

If you miss your appointment we will contact you by letter.

Before your appointment

We'll contact you by letter with details about your appointment. We'll send you a reminder by text the week before your appointment.

If you're coming for your first appointment we will send you information about our clinic locations and what to expect when you attend.

Please bring:

  • a list of any medicines you're taking
  • your insulin devices or pens

If you're testing your blood glucose levels, please bring your results diary or meter.

During your appointment

When you arrive at the appointment you'll see our healthcare assistant. They will:

  • check your weight and height
  • measure your blood pressure
  • check a urine sample
  • check a finger-prick blood test

If this is your first visit to the clinic you will see our dietician. They will talk to you about what you're eating and advise you on whether you can change your diet to improve your diabetes control.

Most people coming to the clinic will see a diabetes doctor, diabetes specialist nurse or pharmacist. They will ask you questions about your diabetes and other medical problems you may have. Please tell them what you would like to achieve during your consultation.

Please allow 1 to 2 hours for your appointment.

After your appointment

We'll send a letter to your GP and to you explaining what happened during your appointment and any changes to your diabetes care plan.

If you need a follow-up appointment we will arrange this with you. We'll send you a letter and text reminder confirming your next appointment.

Last updated: December 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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