
Critical care

Critical care looks after people who need life support. It is also known as intensive care (ICU).

We care for people:

  • after elective surgery, such as a heart or lung transplant
  • who need emergency care after a serious illness, such as pnuemonia or a heart attack
  • with severe organ failure

We care for people from around the UK. Our units are specially staffed, equipped and designed to closely monitor patients.

Different teams across the hospital review our patients regularly.

Our team includes:

  • doctors
  • nurses
  • other health professionals

Areas of critical care

People in intensive care are often very sick and need close monitoring. Nurses care for patients one-to-one. Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy is available for the most unwell patients.

People come to the ICU from:

People come to high dependency units (HDU) from ICU where they continue their recovery.

Patients in HDU are often not as sick as those in ICU but still need close monitoring. They'll sometimes need treatments that general wards cannot provide. They then stay on a more general ward before going home.

In a HDU there is 1 nurse for every 2 patients. 

People come to the HDU from:​​​​

Our hospitals have critical care outreach teams. They provide early, skilled help to staff caring for people who deteriorate. They try to prevent further deterioration and, when appropriate, admit people to one of the ICUs.

Our outreach teams also review all discharges from the unit on to general wards.

ECMO is a temporary life support system used for people whose lungs have stopped working properly. Our ECMO pages have more information.

For more information about our critical care services visit our critical care website.


Our high dependency units at St Thomas' Hospital are on wards. They are managed separately from the wards.

Health information

Critical care and communicating with your family member

Our consultants

Ehsan Ahmadnia

Andrew Aswani

Aimee Brame

Nick Barrett

Richard Beale

Helen Cahill

Luigi Camporota

Nishita Desai

Kyra Dingli

Nicholas Ioannou

Andrew Jones

Katie Lane

Richard Leach

Rebecca Lewis

Chris Meadows

Joel Meyer

Marlies Ostermann

Richard Paul

Joanne Petrie

Jonah Powell-Tuck

Andrew Retter

Michael Slattery

Marius Terblanche

Farah Shariff

Andrew Slack

Simon Sparkes

Daniel Taylor

Ros Tilley

Stephen Tricklebank

Helen Vollmer

Duncan Wyncoll

Research and clinical trials

Research is vital to improving the care that you receive when you're unwell. You can help improve healthcare by taking part in research studies at our Trust. During your appointment, ask your health professional about research. They'll be happy to tell you about research studies you could be eligible to join.

You can also email [email protected] for more information.

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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